In 2014 I had my own business. I hired a web developer to design my website and it cost a hell of a lot of money and once my website was finished and live online, I still incurred costs each month for small changes like changing appointment times or discount bookings, that totalled £1000s each year. So, I started to learn little bits of coding myself so that when it came to making changes on my website, I didn’t have to pay these extra costs.
Every time I made these changes to the website it caused part of my website to crash or fail, so then I would get in touch with my web guy and he would tell me this is why I needed a professional. It wasn’t until I changed the admin details restricting him from my website that I discovered that it was in fact my web developer sabotaging the changes I made, so he could make more money from me. I was very shocked and felt betrayed as you can imagine.
I spoke to someone about it and I was told that there are web developers about that will rip people off and charge stupid amounts of money. So, I decided to go to university and learn the trade as I wanted to put a stop to people being conned out of money. So, at the end of 3 years fully qualified became a freelance developer. I was popular with the prices I was charging but sometimes had too much work on, so I reached out to others that had been at university with me and other freelance web developers and we became a team of people that are very efficient and effective, we work well together.