About the Business
It's only, what, 15 years since we started but so much has changed in terms of the web since then. We're older than Google - that pretty much makes us veterans by Internet standards.
In 1996 Paul Townend started On Screen and it is he.me who is writing this. Our early days were mainly filled with web design, there was no search engine optimisation back then, or pay-per-click campaigns, you just built web sites with whatever platform you chose and that was about it.
Like now, our customers varied quite a lot but we were usually sought by technology or computer hardware companies - those with the most interest in the Internet. Much of our work was with Scan Computers over in Bolton. For several years we designed their sites and did quite a lot of Scan's print advertising for various national publications. Eventually, Scan grew to a level where they needed an in-house web development team but we still keep in touch and they often bring us in for advice on projects.
Location & Hours

Sacoma, New Rd